Super Mad Sky Floater by Super Sativa Seed Club
Super Mad Sky Floater is a fantastically potent hybrid indica/sativa feminised seed variety with some of the best THC levels we have ever seen. This elite hybrid is grown for the quality rather than the yields (which are just above average). THC levels approaching 30% have been seen from this variety which features genetics from Hash Plant, Blueberry and NYCD.
This THC soaked hybrid has a fruity taste/aroma with some delicious rich diesel notes and hints of sour grapes. The effect is very stoned, super relaxed with a wonderfully powerful wave of euphoria. The high THC levels will appeal to serious recreational and medical growers seeking an easy grow experience with an un-compromised, massively powerful effect.
All written and visual material is intended for information and educational purposes only.
THC & CBD products are not medicines and cannot diagnose, treat, or cure diseases. Always consult your own doctor before starting a new dietary program.
Our seeds are intended for preservation for collectors and as souvenirs. Read more