CBD+ Jack Diesel | Positronics Seeds
CBD+ Jack Diesel originally already contained significant amounts of CBD in its offspring, so Positronics decided to cross this plant with pure varieties in CBD, in order to significantly increase these values.
CBD + Jack Diesel demands a more than acceptable amount of nutrients to reach large sizes, can become a very voracious plant. It will generally support all its floral load, so in principle it will not be necessary to use tutors or moorings unless adverse weather conditions (strong wind, rains ...)
AROMA: When combining at least 3 families so different and with marked organoleptic properties, the final aroma is complex and enigmatic, being able to perceive very varied notes that combine floral and fruit nuances, throwing reminiscences such as ebony, sandalwood, palo santo and exotic incenses .
TASTE: Captivates, embauca and seduces its great explosion of nuances and sensations in the mouth, which are valued for their unique and unique bizarreness. Mainly we appreciate citrus flavor, mandarin-lime, fused with softer notes similar to incense, palo santo, roasted .... A bouquet of the most diverse.
EFFECT: The differences are clear with regard to the original Jack Diesel and totally antagonistic, the sensation of alertness and rush disappears, giving way to a new effect characterized by the clear corporal sensation, physical, turning it into a much more advisable variety to taste in any Situation without surprises, with a clear and appreciated medicinal value.
All written and visual material is intended for information and educational purposes only.
THC & CBD products are not medicines and cannot diagnose, treat, or cure diseases. Always consult your own doctor before starting a new dietary program.
Our seeds are intended for preservation for collectors and as souvenirs. Read more