Low THC Seeds
Low THC Seeds
With today's research more and more focused on the medical benefits of cannabis we have seen a massive interest for high CBD and low THC cannabis seeds. CBD rich marijuana strains have been available for sale on the market for many years, more commonly with a ratio of 1:1 CBD THC (that is to say, equal amounts of CBD to THC). These seeds have more therapeutic value than the mainstream higher THC strains and the effect or high you would normally experience is greatly reduced due to the increased level of CBD, which is one of the non-phsycoactive cannabinoids contained in the marijuana plant. For this reason in recent years cannabis seed breeders have focused on developing more pure CBD strains, where the content of THC is far lower again (almost THC free) in addition these low THC cannabis seeds are possible to grow legally in some countries and are therefore beneficial for those interested in the medicinal aspect of growing marijuana and looking to source "legal weed seeds" which are often ideal for making extractions, oils and topical creams.